Developing a roadmap to a flexible, low-carbon Indian electricity system: interim findings
Developing a roadmap to a flexible, low-carbon Indian electricity system: interim findings
Climate Policy Initiative Energy Finance launches its interim findings on increasing flexible capacity in India at the World Sustainable Development Summit in Delhi. India’s deployment of wind and solar surged has surged in recent years thanks to ambitious government targets and dramatic cost declines that have made variable renewable sources competitive with coal capacity. But without policy intervention and new market design, India’s clean electricity future may struggle to achieve its potential. Developing a roadmap to a flexible, low‐carbon Indian electricity system explores how these ambitious targets may be met through an integrated approach to flexibility which combines demand management, adaptation of dispatchable fleet and energy storage technologies. The report finds that India can integrate 390GW of wind and solar generation by 2030, an increase of more than 40% above the current renewable energy trajectory, at a cost that is lower than that of the current trajectory.