Electric mobility in public transport : a guidebook for Asia-Pacific countries
Electric mobility in public transport : a guidebook for Asia-Pacific countries
Transitioning to electric mobility in public transport is one of the policy options to reduce vehicle emissions in cities and dependence on fossil fuel for transport operations. Public transport is sometimes considered to be “low-hanging fruit” for EV adoption, for three key reasons: (i) public transport vehicles cover larger distances daily, so replacing them with EVs would lead to significant reductions in GHG emissions; (ii) public transport vehicles emit more GHG on a per vehicle basis, but lower on a per passenger basis than cars; and (iii) public transport is mostly under public regulatory control, creating space for government policy interventions to shape its development. There is thus a strong case for supporting EV adoption in public transport in countries in Asia and the Pacific. While a strong international consensus exists on the prioritization of low-carbon modes of transport, actionable policy measures are still evolving. Even where identified, implementation is challenging for some countries, particularly those which lack the necessary expertise, technological know-how, and financial means. This Guidebook offers frameworks, policy goals, strategies, and instruments to accelerate the adoption of EVs in public transport systems.