Energy and resource efficient urban neighbourhood design principles for tropical countries
Energy and resource efficient urban neighbourhood design principles for tropical countries
Cities represent more than 70 per cent of global energy demand. Cities are major consumer of resources (material, food, water, lands, minerals etc.) They contribute for over 70 per cent to greenhouse gas emission and they are the main contributors to the global ecological footprint. However, cities hold most of the solutions to the challenges of the 21st Century including: rapid and unplanned urbanisation; urban inequalities; energy and resource wastages, climate change; traffic congestions etc. This publication, present strategies on how to address some of the challenges facing our cities through: sustainable urban planning and design; resource efficiency and recovery; onsite clean energy generation; sustainable mobility; waste and water cycle management at the neighbourhood level in tropical countries. The book also presents a design checklist that can be used by practitioners and decision makers and to certain extend by end-users.