Global risks 2012

The world will face water, food and energy shortages over the next 10 years & it is likely that economic growth will suffer as demand for basic resources soars warns WEF in this review of global risks.

This report analyses the top 10 risks in five categories - economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological - and also highlights "X Factor" risks, the wild card threats which warrant more research, including a volcanic winter, cyber neotribalism and epigenetics, the risk that the way we live could have harmful, inheritable effects on our genes. Key crisis management lessons from Japan’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters are highlighted in a special chapter. The reports presents the findings of a survey of 469 experts and industry leaders, indicating a shift of concern from environmental risks to socioeconomic risks compared to a year ago.

See Also

Report: Global climate risk index 2012

Report: Global assessment report on disaster risk reduction 2011.

Report: Global employment trends 2011.

Report: World economic situation and prospects 2012: global economic outlook.

Feature: Time-out.

Feature: Future shock

Feature: Time for a shake-up.
