Global climate risk index 2012
Global climate risk index 2012

More than 710,000 people died as a direct consequence of 14,000 extreme weather events, and losses of more than USD 2.3 trillion occurred from 1991 to 2010 globally reveals the Global Cimate Risk Index 2012.
The Germanwatch Global Climate Risk Index is an analysis based on the most reliable available data on the impacts of extreme weather events and associated socio-economic data. The Germanwatch Climate Risk Index 2012 is the 7th edition of the annual analysis. It represents one important piece in the overall, more comprehensive puzzle of climate related impacts and associated vulnerabilities: for example, it does not take into account other important aspects such as sea-level rise, glacier melting or more acid and warmer seas. It is based on past data and should not be used for a linear projection of future climate impacts. Also, it is important to note that a single extreme event can - because of
methodological reasons - not be traced back solely to anthropogenic climate change. Nevertheless, climate change is an increasingly important factor for changing the odds of occurrence and intensity of these events.
See Also
Report: Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters.
Report: Human development report.
Report: Global climate risk index 2011.
Opinion: How climate ready are we?
Report: Climate change performance index 2011.
Report: Current extreme weather events.
Report: Extreme weather and climate change - understanding the link...