As countries transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies, finance flows will need to shift to support these transitions, in line with the third long-term goal of the Paris Agreement, Article 2.1c.

The Climate Change Performance Index monitors climate mitigation progress of 63 countries and the European Union, together responsible for more than 90% of global emissions. In recent years, governments around the world have increasingly placed climate action on their agenda, and renewable energy is booming in many countries.

The current energy crisis clearly demonstrates how the world remains dependent on fossil fuels. However, many countries used this moment as a turning point for ambitious climate mitigation through rapid improvements in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

The study aims to close a research gap by examining international climate finance’s capacity in mobilising adaptation finance from the private sector in developing countries.

This policy brief formulates five key asks to the G7 governments on climate finance in 2022. Five key asks to the G7 governments: 1. Meet and surpass the US$100 billion goal with new and additional finance. 2. Significantly scale-up grant-based adaptation finance. 3.

Developed by Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN, the CCPI analyses and compares climate change mitigation efforts across 60 countries (plus EU as a whole) with the highest emissions. Together these countries account for 90 percent of global emissions.

This study analyses existing and planned measures to address climate risks and impacts in countries of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF). It assesses the scope, coverage, success factors, gaps, and challenges regarding the set-up and maintenance of financial instruments and mechanisms.

In addition to amplifying extreme weather events, climate change also causes or intensifies slow-onset processes such as sea-level rise, desertification, biodiversity loss or permafrost thaw. Both types of climate change impacts cause loss and damage, impede the enjoyment of human rights and can be drivers for human mobility.

In addition to amplifying extreme weather events, climate change also causes or intensifies slow-onset processes such as sea-level rise, desertification, biodiversity loss or permafrost thaw. Both types of climate change impacts cause loss and damage, impede the enjoyment of human rights and can be drivers for human mobility.

The Global Climate Risk Index 2021 analyses to what extent countries and regions have been affected by impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.). Human impacts (fatalities) and direct economic losses were analysed. The most recent data available — for 2019 and from 2000 to 2019 — were taken into account.
