Guidance for appropriate recording of COVID-19 related deaths in India

The deaths of those with negative or inconclusive test results but with symptoms of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) will be recorded as probable Covid-19 deaths, the Indian Council of Medical Research said in fresh guidelines on recording Covid-19 deaths released on 10 May, 2020. The 11-page document states that Covid-19 is known to cause pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cardiac injury, and clotting throughout the bloodstream, which may lead to death but Covid-19 would be recorded as the underlying cause of death. It adds that co-morbid conditions, like asthama, heart disease, diabetes or cancer, of a patient will not be recorded as the underlying cause of death. It adds that in a person with multiple co-morbidities, only those that could have contributed to the death should be mentioned on the death certificate.