HIV drug resistance: brief report 2024
HIV drug resistance: brief report 2024
This brief report summarizes recent information on HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in the era of integrase-strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) for HIV prevention and treatment. In this report, WHO documents high levels of HIV viral load suppression (>90%) in populations receiving dolutegravir (DTG)-containing antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, recent observational data reveal that HIVDR to DTG is emerging at levels exceeding those observed in clinical trials. Few countries have reported people not achieving viral suppression while receiving DTG-containing ART. However, amongst the surveys reported, levels of DTG resistance ranged from 3.9% to 8.6%, with levels as high as 19.6% observed among highly treatment-experienced people who transitioned to a DTG-containing ART while having high HIV viral loads.