Kutch Power Generation Limited, 5 x 660 mw coal based thermal power project at village Bhadreswar, Mundra taluka, Kutch dist, Gujarat

A formal assessment of power plant effluents dispersion and sediment transport
processes taking place with respect to the prevailing environmental conditions
such as, flow regime, wave climate, wind effects etc. in the open waters of
Bhadreswar region, Gulf of Kutch plays important role in the finalizing the
designs of CW intake and discharge system of Kutch Power Generation Limited
(KPGL) (5x660 MW) The report presents the studies on thermal discharge CW
and recirculation, salinity dispersion and sediment transport in the region of
proposed intake and outfall locations. The proposed locations of the intake and
outfall of the CW system has been shown. The intake channel of 100m width
and 600 m long from LFP will run up to (-) 3 m depth contour at LTL. The
proposed effluent is discharged through channel from power plant to LFP point
on the land and then through the dredged channel for about 600m to -1m depth
with a designed for desired dispersion.

This EIA report is based on mathematical / hydraulic modelling studies on hot water recirculation and sediment transport for CW intake and outfall discharge system.
