Mainstreaming food security and nutrition in emergency preparedness and response: capacity and needs assessment report
Mainstreaming food security and nutrition in emergency preparedness and response: capacity and needs assessment report
With the changing risk landscape, it is nothing but imperative that the capacity strengthening efforts are evolved to be a continuous and dynamic process so that the humanitarian structures are constantly updated and strengthened to meet any sudden or emerging humanitarian need. It is therefore, that National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) with technical support from United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has conducted the capacity needs assessment with the objective to identify the current and latent capacities along with the capacity gaps so that, the capacity strengthening framework are designed to be more strategic to strengthen the Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) programmes. The study in itself is a starting point, expected to improve the understanding on current capacities and gaps, but at a more strategic level, in the long term, it is expected to contribute towards the following result areas: Improved institutional capacities for F&NS response in emergencies in India; Government Policies and programs are more inclusive and adaptive to meet F&NS needs of all marginalized community in emergency; and Improved learning platforms enable cooperation for learning exchange, replication and scale-up.