One against disasters and climate risks: a repository of good practices for strengthening DRR and CCA integration in ASEAN

Recognising the need to integrate DRR and CCA into policies and institutions in The ASEAN Member States, JICA has supported implementation of a project on ‘Strengthening Institutional and Policy Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Integration’. The project assessed the current level of integration of CCA elements into DRR policies and related institutions and identified good practices that could be replicated throughout the region for maximising risk reduction. In this publication, the JICA Project Team has identified a number of good practices that provide DRR and CCA integration opportunities for the Member States through literature review, interviews with relevant stakeholders and field visits. The team selected practices that are transferable, applicable and a good reference for all the Member States for wider dissemination covering floods, storms, landslides and droughts. They included integrated downscaled climate projections into risk assessments and practices coordinating DRR and CCA policies, management strategies and funding systems. They provide a high proportion of CCA and DRR benefits compared to business-as-usual practices.
