Question raised in Lok Sabha on Fuel Emission Norms, 01/08/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Fuel Emission Norms, 01/08/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Fuel Emission Norms, 01/08/2016. BS-IV auto fuel supply has already been commenced in the areas covered in the first two phases. Further, this Ministry has also issued an order on 22.05.2015 to all OMCs & other stake holders conveying its readiness for switching over directly from BS-IV to BS-VI quality fuel w.e.f. 01.04.2020. In pursuance of the decision of the Government, Oil Companies have started upgrading their refineries with an investment of Rs. 30,000 crore for 100% BS-IV fuel quality by 2017. Further, an additional investment of Rs. 30,000 crore has been estimated for BS-VI fuel quality upgradation.