Report on Effluent Conveyance System (M/S ECPL) for Nandesari Industrial Area and industries located near Vadodara, Gujarat
Report on Effluent Conveyance System (M/S ECPL) for Nandesari Industrial Area and industries located near Vadodara, Gujarat
Effluent Conveyance System called as Effluent Channel Project (ECP) is provided to carry treated effluent from industries (mostly chemical) located near Vadodara to the Gulf of Cambey, Arabian Sea. The industries along the stretch in the area from Padra Taluka (Vadodara District) and Jambusar Taluka (Bharuch District) also join the ECP for effluent discharge. It was reported that quality of effluent at final discharge point always with high organic load, and also not meeting with discharge norms. This may pose serious threat to the environment particularly marine life.