Report on employment & unemployment survey 2011-12
Report on employment & unemployment survey 2011-12
A recent report on Employment and Unemployment survey 2011-12 reveals some cheering facts for Gujarat and some surprising facts for certain states of the nation. The lowest unemployment rate was in Gujarat, just 1%. While the largest numbers of unemployed persons were found in Kerala and West Bengal. As per the report all-India unemployment rate in India is an estimated 3.8%, besides Delhi & Maharashtra’s unemployment rates are 4.8% and 2.8% respectively. The survey had been conducted taking a sample of 1.28 lakh households from all the districts of the country. Of these 81,430 families were from rural sector and remaining 46,868 households from urban sector. The female unemployment rate was estimated at 6.9 per cent whereas for males, the rate during last fiscal stood at 2.9 per cent. Besides, the report also revealed the fact, Gujarat has got very low female unemployment rate and on the contrary Sikkim, Tripura and West Bengal had highest female unemployment rates.