Report to the people 2012-13: UPA Government
In the 'Report to the People', released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi on the fourth anniversary of UPA-II, the government presented figures to highlight growth in employment and doubling of wages under MNREGA, three-fold increase in food subsidy, growth in social sector schemes and tele-density. Talking about economic security, the report said consumption has "increased phenomenally" both in urban and rural areas "as fruits of economic growth reached the people". The report said MNREGA, "the largest social welfare scheme of its kind in the world started by UPA in 2006" has benefited every fifth rural household in India. Referring to food security, the UPA report said food subsidy has seen a three-fold increase during UPA tenure, reflecting the government's commitment to ensure adequate food at affordable prices at all, especially the poor.