Report of the task force on an IT strategy for PDS and an implementable solution for the direct transfer of subsidy for PDS food and kerosene
Report of the task force on an IT strategy for PDS and an implementable solution for the direct transfer of subsidy for PDS food and kerosene
This report focuses on a detailed IT strategy for PDS including the institutional structures and processes required for effective use of IT in PDS as well as an implementable solution of direct transfer of subsidies on food and kerosene to intended beneficiaries. While this Report does not dwell into the specificities of the IT requirements, it gives a broad strategy and roadmap for effectively using IT in reforming the PDS. However, use of technology alone will not solve all the ills plaguing the PDS delivery mechanism and it is not a panacea in itself. Strong political will, effective supervision and audit, enhanced transparency, thorough implementation, social audit as well as people’s participation would
also be required for a comprehensive reform of the PDS.