Roadmap for implementing the global action plan on physical activity in the WHO South-East Asia region
Roadmap for implementing the global action plan on physical activity in the WHO South-East Asia region
Sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity are among the major behavioural risk factors for many noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and quality of life and well-being. The available data show that the prevalence of physical inactivity among adults is 15% and among adolescents it is as high as 74% in the WHO South-East Asia Region. WHO has been advocating physical exercise as one of the primary preventive measures and best buys against NCDs, which are growing in epidemic proportion. Increasing physical activity levels is even more important than usual in the face of COVID-19.It is noted that international actions to implement recommended policy and promote physical activity have been relatively slow. Therefore, the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia has developed the "Roadmap for implementing the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA) in the WHO South-East Asia Region" in consultation with Member States to accelerate progress in promoting physical activity. This Roadmap will serve as guidance for Member States to identify priority areas and tailor GAPPA policy action implementation for the next five years (2021–2025). With this Roadmap, Member States have set the course to achieve the voluntary target of a 15% relative reduction in the prevalence of insufficient physical activity by 2030.