In search of economic alternatives for gender and social justice: voices from India
In search of economic alternatives for gender and social justice: voices from India
This publication is a collection of Indian voices on economic structures, relations and principles that are needed to serve the goals of sustainable economic and human development, poverty eradication, social justice, and empowerment of the most vulnerable segments of society: women, dalits and adivasis.
This publication is a collection of Indian voices on economic alternatives for gender and social justice which challenge mainstream economic thinking, search for macroeconomic and macro-political solutions to pressing problems, and develop conceptual and practical alternatives in the very local context and in everyday life. The contributions do not only suggest new and
alternative ideas to take care of sustainable development, social and gender justice in the context of the EU-India relations but at the same time, they provide some general
guiding principles and building blocks for shaping an alternative agenda for economic, social and gender just development.