Of soils, subsidies and survival: a report on living soils
Of soils, subsidies and survival: a report on living soils

This new report by Greenpeace assesses the impact of government policies on soil health across five states of India and warns that indiscriminate chemical fertilizer usage, catalyzed by a lenient subsidy policy is posing a threat to country's soil health.
This is the report of the first-ever social audit of soil health and support systems in India by Greenpeace. It assesses the impact of government policies on soil health across five states and finds out that indiscriminate chemical fertilizer usage, catalyzed by a lenient subsidy policy and neglect of ecological fertilization is posing a threat to soil health and future food security of the country.
See Also
Report: Subsidising food crisis: synthetic fertilisers lead to poor soil and less food.
Report: NBS and support systems for ecological fertilization in agriculture.
Report: Guidelines for implementation of national project on management of soil health and fertility.
Report: Fertiliser growth, imbalances and subsidies - trends and implications.
Report: State of environment report India 2009.
Report: Compendium of environment statistics India 2008/2009.
Feature: Save our soil.