State food safety index: creating competitive environment for safe food across States/UTs 2022-2023

The State Food Safety Index (SFSI) is an annual evaluation published by FSSAI, designed to encourage states and union territories to improve their performance and establish strong food safety systems within their jurisdictions. This comprehensive index assesses various aspects of food safety across six categories. Introduced in 2018-19, the SFSI promotes healthy competition and drives positive transformations in the nationwide food safety landscape, with the ultimate goal of ensuring the availability of safe and nutritious food for all residents. Among larger states, Kerala secured the top ranking in the State Food Safety Index. In the smaller states category, Goa emerged as the leader, demonstrating exemplary efforts in maintaining high food safety standards. Additionally, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi, and Chandigarh secured the first, second, and third ranks, respectively, among the union territories.