Study of changes in vegetative cover and land use in forest land with claims and forest rights finally recognized under the Forest Rights Act 2006
Study of changes in vegetative cover and land use in forest land with claims and forest rights finally recognized under the Forest Rights Act 2006
This study has been done to understand the impact of implementation of Forest Rights Act on the change, after 2005, in tree cover/vegetation and land use in the forest lands under Forest Right’s claims as well as in those with finally recognized ‘Forest Right’ of cultivation. The methodology primarily includes overlaying of GPS polygons pertaining to the forest land under forest right’s claim on Cartosat-1 satellite images of 2005-06, 2007-08, and 2011-12 and also using Google earth images as and where relevant. The study does make some observation on the change in vegetation/land use in the areas near the forest lands under Forest Right’s claim but does not quantify that as that was not the mandate of this study. In addition, all forest claims related GPS polygons have been overlaid on the LULC (Land Use Land cover) map of 2005-06 to understand the trend of submission of claims. Major recommendations indicated are quite significant
and deserve immediate action.