Urban forests and open green spaces: lessons for Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

This latest review by RSPCB focuses on governance of urban green spaces for development of Jaipur as a world-class city. It reviews status of urban forestry across the world & presents strategies for creating multifunctional landscapes to enhance urban resilience and human well-being.
Many policy instruments and robust scientific evidence in last two decades have emphasized the critical necessity of green areas within urban social-ecological systems to ameliorate
several problems of city-living. As this review will demonstrate, benefits of urban green spaces are wide-ranging including physical and psychological health, social cohesion, climate change mitigation, pollution abatement, biodiversity conservation and provisioning of the ecosystem goods and service to urban inhabitants. Accordingly, this review briefly
examines the present status of urban forestry across the world, and draws lessons that can be applied for the governance of urban green spaces during the development of Jaipur as a
world-class city in Rajasthan.