West Bengal state forest report 2010 - 2011

The demand of forest produce for this huge population on the limited natural resources eg. the land and forests, makes it almost impossible to met from the notified forest area which is only 13.32% only. To cope up with the situation, efforts have been taken by the Forest Department to increase the forest and tree cover through promotion of Social Forestry, Farm Forestry, Agro Forestry, Community Forestry& afforestation on wasteland, panchayet land, Private land, tea gardens etc outside the notified Forest area. Keeping this in view, the Planning Commission of India has set the target for achieving the National goal of 33% of Forest and tree cover of the total geographical area of the State by 11th Five Year Plan period ie 2012. There has also been a conscious effort to enhance the forest productivity by improving of planting stock through Modern Nursery hycopot seedlings and by the use of clonal technology etc.
