The electric vehicle market in the United States has grown from a few thousand vehicles in 2010 to more than 315,000 vehicles sold annually from 2018 to 2020. In 2020, the electric share of new vehicle sales was approximately 2.4%, an increase from about 2% in 2019.

This briefing evaluates the U.S. position in the emerging global light-duty electric vehicle industry. The briefing analyzes U.S. vehicle manufacturing plants and automaker commitments to transitioning to electric vehicle production and compares these developments with those happening globally.

This report quantifies Los Angeles electric vehicle charging infrastructure needs and associated energy demand citywide in 2030 to align with the city’s goal of 25% zero-emission vehicle stock by 2025 and 80% by 2035. It also quantifies needs in specific areas that are poised to become zero-emission areas or fully fossil fuel free by 2030.