If some of the spectacular calving of ice shelves in Antarctica is down to global warming, then why did we not see break-ups on the same scale in Greenland, which is much warmer?

As more and more ice slides into the ocean, sea levels are rising faster and faster

Combining solar power plants with wildlife sanctuaries might calm conflicts between humans and nature.

India needs all the sexy science projects and clear thinking it can get if the country is to become a major player in basic research.

The poles were once covered by lakes and forests instead of ice. Anil Ananthaswamy finds out what the world was like in the last great warming.

When Ernest Shackleton and his men marched towards the South Pole in December 1908, they came across something entirely unexpected. After scaling the vast Beardmore glacier on the edge of the polar plateau, they found seams of coal amid the snow and ice. They also found impressions of leaves in sandstone boulders nearby and even fossilised wood from a coniferous tree.
