Experts said that actions to curb air pollution has always been hampered by the lack of political will, irrespective of parties, to take decisions that might harm them electorally.

Delhi is among the 13 cities in India that follows the Bharat Stage (BS) IV emission norms, while smaller cities implement BS III norms.

In a relief to 26 restaurant owners, whose businesses had been shut down four days ago, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Wednesday granted them conditional approval to reopen.

As many as 34 eateries had been closed down last Saturday by the NGT after a plea filed by Pankaj Sharma had claimed that they were operating without clearances and discharging waste water untreated.

Nestled amidst the rapidly urbanising metropolis of Noida is a green paradise that has, in recent years, emerged as an important breeding ground for endangered birds.

Ghaziabad: An incredible 82 of the 123 ponds mentioned in Ghaziabad Development Authority’s Master Plan 2021 have vanished, according to activists.
