Monitoring Sikkim Himalayan Cryosphere -International Symposium  - Benefiting from Earth Observation  4-6 October, 2010 Kathmandu, Nepal. 

This document contains the presentation by Rupal M. Brahmbhatt, A.V. Kulkarni, B.P. Rathore & et al on "Application of Remote sensing and GIS in glacier retreat: A case study of Warwan sub-basin, Chenab basin", presented at National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

This document contains the presentation by Smriti Basnett, A.V. Kulkarni, B.P. Rathore & et al on Snow cover monitoring and snow distribution in Sikkim Himalayas, presented at National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.