It's a damning statistic Shining India will cringe at. Over 1,000 children under five die of diarrhoea every day in India. Every day. In effect, a number greater than every child you know. Think about it.

ITC is prototyping a new script for its e-Choupal initiative to take engagement with farmers to the next level-co-creating with farmers and harnessing their entrepreneurship. E. KUMAR SHARMA

When you run Corporate India's largest, most ambitious and most celebrated rural initiative, you better know the following:

With demand for the antidote to H1N1 infection peaking across the world, the select Indian pharmaceutical companies are ramping up production of Tamiflu or its generic version.


Novartis, don't lose heart. There'll be more Glivec-like patents to fight and, hopefully, win. While India may not have the best patents laws

The apex court nod to GM seed trials raises issues. GM seeds: Trial's not yet over