Arthur Dunkel's legacy of proposals on patent, science and investment laws continues to be perceived differently. Even in individual countries, there are differences of opinion acceptance, moderation and strong opposition. Supporters contend scepticis
Greens contend that agricultural productivity can be increased many times with minimal use of water and a few external inputs, but most definitely without giving in to those who shout the slogan: Declare agriculture an industry.
HAVING an attractive, alliterative title is a prerequisite for popular books today, but it is Arthur Bonner"s subtitle that is seriously misleading. Averting the Apocalypse is not about "social
THE WOMEN'S Feature Service (WFS) is a news service that deals not just with equal rights for women, but with "development from a progressive, women's, or gender, perspective." It has transcended the
Social radical that he was, Phule's memory lives on, despite accusations that he was pro British and casteist. But most of his followers are unable to see his philosophy in its entirety.