Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), in talks with Angela Merkel's conservatives to form a coalition government, will back European Union plans to prop up carbon prices by 'backloading' permits, party

Plans by Germany to cut solar power subsidies by up to 30 percent will be postponed to April 1 from March 9 and may be watered down for large-scale power plants, according to members of parliament

The number of new solar panel installations in Germany fell dramatically from March to May, making further cuts in feed-in tariffs from July unlikely, government and industry sources said on Wednesday.

Considerably less than 1,000 megawatts (MW) of capacity was installed in the world's biggest solar market during the so-called reference period laid out in Germany's Renewable Energy Act, people

Germany aims to cut bureaucratic red tape that can hold up the construction of offshore windparks by bundling and transferring all responsibility for their approval process to one state authority.

"This draft bill is a key first step toward a new energy concept by the federal government," transportation minister Peter Ramsauer said Wednesday.

In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaste