The company Phaesun has started a project in the East African country of Mozambique geared towards rural electrification using especially small photovoltaic systems - so-called "PicoPV systems".

Interview with Tobias Zwirner who has been the Managing Director of Phaesun GmbH since 2001 and is a Board Member of the "Alliance for Rural Electrification" (ARE), which has its headquarters in Brussels. It concerns itself with the 1.6 billion people around the world who not have an electricity connection, 80% of whom live in rural areas.

Farmers are not alone in keeping a close eye on the weather-in the control centres of the energy sector and on the trading floor of the electricity exchange, too, it is always good to know exactly when the wind will be blowing or the sun shining. The special services offered by meteorologists are here invaluable aids to decision-making.