Setting Up Saw Mills, Industries May Soon Be Banned

Pune: Activities such as commercial mining and setting up saw mills, large hydroelectric projects and pollution-causing industries may soon be banned in the eco-sensitive zones around the main sanctuaries in the state, including the Tadoba-Andhari tiger reserve, Melghat tiger reserve and Sanjay Gandhi national park in Mumbai.

Advisories To Deal With Situations When Big Cats Stray Into Human Habitats

Pune: The chief wildlife warden of Maharashtra has issued advisories to the state’s four tiger reserves —Sahyadri Tiger Reserve in Kolhapur, Tadoba-Andhari in Chandrapur, Pench in Nagpur and Melghat in Amravati — to follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) recently released by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), framed to deal with emergencies arising because of tigers straying into humandominated landscapes.
