The Ghana anti-water resources and environment pollution group, Drink Safe Water Advocacy has found in the search, cleanest town in the country to be Obomeng in the Kwahu South district and worthil

10 people have been arrested in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem(KEEA) municipality of the central region for engaging in open defecation at the beaches in the area.

The Komenda- Edina-Eguafo-Abirem Municipal Assembly in the Central region has defended its policy of ensuring that would-be grooms have toilet facility fixed in their homes before being allowed to

The African Development Bank achieved a 100% investment in renewable energy in 2017, a major landmark in its commitment to clean energy and efficiency.

Ghana's economy will be among the fastest in growth in the world in 2018, massively improving the lives of the citizens of the West African country, a major global economics report sighted by Ghana

The outbreak of H1N1 viral influenza has killed four students with over 80 recorded cases

The Eastern Regional Director of the Ghana Health Service has stated that the facility has intensified surveillance on the spread of meningitis after the disease claimed the life of a second year s

AIDS has become leading causes of death in Africa with a total of 15,116 Ghanaians killed by the disease in 2016, while 20,418 new infections were recorded, the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) has said

The women pleaded guilty to the charge of illegally manufacturing harmful product

Danger is looming in Bowire in the Afigya Kwabre District of the Ashanti Region following the recent quarry dynamite explosion by K.K.
