Supreme Court order dated 16/04/1999 in M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, WP 13029/1985 on vehicular pollution in Delhi.

Supreme Court order dated 28/07/1998 in the case of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Ors on vehicular pollution in Delhi.

Supreme Court judgement on Bhopal Gas Disaster dated 13/09/1996.

Judgement on Bhopal Gas Disaster on the review petitions filed by various petitioners was announced by the five judge constitutional bench on 3rd October, 1991.

In the suit filed by the Union of India against Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) filed before the Southern District Court at New York, the presiding judge directed the utilisation of 5 Million Dollars deposited by UCC towards Interim Relief Fund, for affording relief to the victims of the Bhopal Gas Leak disaster through the Indian Red Cross Society.

Supreme Court judgement dated 14/02/1989 on Bhopal Gas Disaster. The Court was of the opinion that the case was fit for an overall settlement between the parties covering all litigations, claims, rights and liabilities related to and arising out of the Disaster.
