Kerala banned the use of 15 pesticides in May this year. However, about a dozen pesticides which were either banned or severely restricted in other countries continue to be used in Kerala, C. Jayakumar of Thanal (an advocacy organisation campaigning against pesticides) told The Hindu. Moreover, several of the banned pesticides are still in use and some of the alternatives suggested officially are pesticides banned in other countries.

March 10: Pesticides prohibited by the Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee are widely used by farmers in the state.
Alarmingly enough, officials who are supposed to prevent their use are actually recommending them to farmers.
The CIB&RC has issued a list of pesticides which are banned including chlordane and ethyl parathion.

Honey, being a natural product manufactured by honey bees is considered to be free from any extraneous material. The over-reliance on pesticides caused several environmental problems including pesticide residues in food. This constitutes a potential risk for human health, because of their sub acute and chronic toxicity.