The food ministry has refused to recognise Pusa No 1, which forms one-third of India's six-lakh tonne yearly basmati exports, as a genuine basmati variety and directed all state governments to put

A non-Government organisation has questioned the official justification of trials in transgenic (Bt) cotton at 40 locations in nine States and said that it will not necessary reduce application of

The agriculture ministry proposes to revampo the funding pattern of Centrally-aided development schemes to mitigate the problem of misutilisation and underutilisation of funds. Nearly 40 per cent of

Greens: The controversy over field trials of the US firm Monsanto's geneticallly engineered cotton in India has hotted up, with environmentalists accusing government of not presenting correct facts.

The Primary Industries Ministry has come up with a long-term plan to establish mini estates to grow rubber trees from newly-discovered clones which not only produce more latex but also good quality

Canadian health officials have rejected the genetically engineered dairy hormome BGH, upholding a ban on its use in cattle because of ill effects to the animals. The drug, known as bovine growth

The campaign against the "irresponsible deployment of genetically engineered" Bt-Cotton crops of the United States based Monsanto Corporation is likely to get further intensified with the Vandana

After paddy and cotton crops, it is now the turn of potato. The hostile weather is wreaking havoc upon potato crop in Punjab. Due to cloudy weather, the late blight has attacked the crop creating a

World Food Prize winner of 1998 Badrinarayan Ramulal Barwale, an Indian farmer proves you can help feed a nation - and make money. Barwale founded Mahyco in 1964. Today the $31 million-a-year company

Traditional science and technologies are crucial to the everyday life of a large part of India. But will the traditions hold on?
