The Himachal pradesh government plans to introduce crop insurance scheme in the state from this year to provide much-needed relief to the farmers in times of natural and other calamities. The state

With the international demand for henna picking up, the Rajasthan government has taken a series of measures to increase the area under its cultivation and also to have a higher yield per hectare.

A new plant gene, Terminator-III is threatening Indian farming and food security. "It is nothing short of bio-technological warfare", says food expert Devinder Sharma referring to the Terminator

The toll of buffaloes dying of food piosoning at Andheri has reached 60. Over the past two days 20 more animals have succumbed to food poisoning. The buffaloes were fed their usual fodder mixed with

The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) has started DNA fingerprinting of Indian crops and registration of genetic stocks to protect Indian plant varieties and intellectual property

More than 1000 head of cattle of some poor peasants have died so far following an epidemic in the Kupvi sub-tehsil of Chipal in Shimla district. Even last year hundreds of animals, mainly sheep and

CLASS, the German farming equipment manufacturer, has achieved an engineering breakthrough in the harvesting of sugarcane in the tropical and sub-tropical countries. Its machine can now harvest green

After a year of record grain production, Argentina will shift some of its crop land from wheat to sunflowers for the 1998-99 harvest, with corn and soyabean plantings remaining steady, a US

PM : The national agriculture policy will promote consolidation of land holdings to improve productivity and provide a major boost to agro-processing and agri-business, Prime Minister A B Vajpayee

Monsanto Co., in a move agreed to buy a European wheat breeding business from the Unilever group for a hefty $525
