The use of pumpsets in the agriculture sector has touched alarming proportions with 20 per cent of the total power generated - 15,000-16,000 mw-in the country being diverted to this

Some Europeans fear biotech food. That's not slowing farmers and big business in their march toward a new agricultural world : a

Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will introduce a system to ensure items labelled as organic farm products meet certain standards, ministry sources said.

The new agriculture policy is likely to be a boon to plantation industry as it proposes to allot 40-million hectare of degraded lands for forestry out of the total of 80 millin hectare of degraded

The Sindh Agriculture Secretary, Dr. Badruddin Soomro has directed the field staff and agriculture experts of Upper Sindh to visit cotton growing areas, monitor the crop and guide farmers to combat

Twelve to 15 times insecticide spray of crops in Punjab is harmful, Mr Hans Ekmsheuser, a plant protection expert of multinational Novartis has said. He was recently on a visis to the subdivision to

The Maharashtra government plans to involve the private sector in a big way in the development of 70 lakh hactres of waste-land in the state. The government will also allow contract farming and

VC : Did the farmers in Haryana commit suicide due to their inability ot clear the debts? The Vide-Chancellor, CCS Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU). Prof J B Chowdhury, believes that the

The once lush green fields in Ponnavaram village of Krishna district are barren today. Nothing grows there except weeds. Excessive use of chemical fertilisers by ill-trained farmers in this coastal

In a unusual move, President Bill Clinton has issued a strong endorsement shortly after the Senate passed a Bil recommeding lifting of the economic sanctions, though partially on India and Pakistan
