The Supreme court has upheld the order of a consumer redressal forum asking National Seeds Corporation Limited to pay Rs 20,000 as compensation to an Uttar Pradesh farmer for providing him with

Monsanto, Ciba-Geigy and Hoechst Agr. Evo Ltd - have got the clearance to import herbicides targeted against phalaris minor, which basically affects the wheat crop in North India. The Punjab

Scientists of Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) in Bareilly, have developed a vaccine for infectious bursal disease, commonly known as gumboro disease, among

The Centre has constituted a high level five member team to examine the incidence and reasons for indebtedness of farmers in Andhra Pradesh, which has reportedly led to the recent suicides by farmers

Rice cultivation may disappear from Kerala by the year 2015, unless urgent steps are taken to stop reclamation of paddy lands for other purposes, including cultivation of other crops. Kerala will be

A monitoring cell has been constituted with secretary of agriculture and cooperation, vice-chancellor of Acharya NG Ranga agriculture university, commissioners of agriculture, marketing and relief

With pests driving several cotton farmers in Andhra Pradesh to suicide recently, experts are looking at transgenic cotton as a viable solution to the problem:a report.

Ruined by pests, Andhra Pradesh's cotton farmers commit suicide to escape the burden of

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) will inspect 50 plantation companies,which have raised money under collective investment schemes, by the end of this

Thai peasants struggling with hard economic times are turning to huge South American rodent to save the family farm. But authorities fear that a get rich quick craze to breed the water loving
