An investigation by the Union Ministry of Rural Development based on a report by The Indian Express has confirmed that the Gujarat government has been illegally diverting MNREGA funds for its own departmental works.

Lucknow: The VVIP district of Sultanpur comes under the scanner of Union ministry of rural development after a three-member team visiting the area last month confirmed that a chunk of NREGS grant was spent on buying tricycles, plastic balls and assorted toys to keep children of labourers engaged on work sites.

The Andhra Pradesh Government has released a social audit primer for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme.

Releasing the primer here on Monday, Mr Vatti Vasant Kumar, Minister for Rural Development, said the primer would help the people understand various issues involved in measuring the works and expenditure in the job guarantee scheme.

Using a field survey, this paper examines the empowerment effects of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on rural women in Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh.

AGARTALA: Tripura has secured the top position in implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) during the 2009-10 financial year. The state has achieved 82 mandays of job creation which is more than that of national average of 54 days. Sikkim also did well by creating 80 mandays in NREGA in the last financial year.

The State Government has appointed district-level ombudsman to resolve and redress complaints with regard to implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in the State.

The UPA flagship MGNREGA will now be used to address Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

Five years after the passage of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, now known as the MNREGA after Mahatma Gandhi, activists central to lobbying for it are seeing serious flaws in its implementation. Absence of a mechanism to deal with the flaws, they say, are defeating the purpose of the Act.

THE meeting of the standing committee on the rural development ministry on Wednesday saw members, cutting across party lines, pick up many loopholes, and complain of large-scale corruption, in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

Agartala, July 21: Tripura has continued to remain on top in implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) while Sikkim came a close second in the 2009-10 fiscal.
