Officials say de-silting of the canal could not be carried out due to lack of funds

Bathinda: Confirming Punjab

The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) have decided to jointly study the presence of high levels of uranium in ground water in the state, reported the cause of abnormally high incidence of cancer. The study would begin within three months.

Bathinda: Punjab is going to become first state in the country that will develop its existing roads as model roads under World Bank

A major fire that broke out at the Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Plant (GNDTP) late last night here has reportedly caused a loss of more than Rs 125 lakh to the plant. The fire broke out after a blast around 10 p.m. in the oil-filled unit transformer. As a result, unit number III, having a capacity of 110 MW, went out of operation.

Though this town has emerged as a major destination for health services, it lacks infrastructure for scientific disposal of the bio-medical waste generated by the mushrooming hospitals and clinics. The hazardous waste is transported to Ludhiana for being destroyed.

Beetal is the only recognised goat breed in Punjab. Due to indiscriminate slaughter, breeding and movement to other states, this breed was on the verge of extinction from its home tract.

The population of Beetal goat in Punjab had declined drastically to less than 10,000. A limited number of breed animals were found in Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Taran Taran and Ferozepur districts of Punjab.

Vanishing sheesham and kikar trees have become Punjab

It is now four days that residents of Bathinda and adjoining areas have not seen a clear sun because of a thick layer of smoke coupled with patches of cloud in the sky. The situation was worst this morning when the sun appeared as a red ball in the sky because of smog and disappeared as the day progressed.

Indian Medical Association (IMA) and the medical fraternity raised concern over the discovery of high levels of nitrate contamination of drinking water based on a Greenpeace study.
