New Orleans: The US government ordered BP to submit an emergency plan for reopening its capped Gulf of Mexico oil well after experts detected seepage from the surrounding seabed.
New Orleans, July 16: BP said on Friday that the early test results were heartening and there were no signs of fresh oil leaks, as the cap sealing its stricken undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico held tight overnight and into the morning.
BP Plc delayed testing a new cap placed over its leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well to give scientists more time to study the procedure used to measure pressure levels.
BP is making progress on removing a device capturing oil from its leaking Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, as it prepares to install a more efficient collection system.
THE US Justice Department has started interviewing witnesses as part of the criminal and civil investigation of the oil spill that has sullied the Gulf of Mexico, Attorney General Eric Holder said in a television interview broadcast on Sunday.
OIL major BP is seeking a strategic investor to secure its independence in the face of any takeover attempts as it struggles with a devastating oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, newspapers said on Sunday.
New Orleans: A supertanker adapted to scoop up oil from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico began tests on Saturday amid a report that some major investors expect the energy giant to replace its top executives.
Those seeking to stem the flow of oil from the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico are now struggling on land as well as at sea. A wayward robot briefly interrupted the flow from the