Vernon Asper was one of the first researchers in the Gulf of Mexico to
study the oil gushing out from the BP well. But it has not all been
smooth sailing, reports Mark Schrope.

The BP spill is by far the world

The vast majority of the oil from the BP oil spill has either
evaporated or been burned, skimmed, recovered from the wellhead or
dispersed  much of which is in the process of being degraded. A
significant amount of this is the direct result of the robust federal
response efforts.

BP may permanently shut the well that caused the worst off-shore oil spill in US history as early as Monday, the company said as speculation grew over assets it might sell to cover mounting costs.

It started with a story in the Press-Register of Mobile, Alabama. On 16 July, the paper reported that beleaguered oil giant BP was hurriedly signing up scientists to gather data for the company, to aid its defence in cases arising from the Deepwater Horizon spill. The catch was that these lucrative contracts also restricted the scientists

Great disasters occur constantly. The Asian financial crisis blasted the miracle economies of Asia. The Great Recession of 2007-09 led to the bankruptcy/rescue of the five top investment banks on Wall Street, the biggest bank (Citibank), the biggest insurance company (AIG), the biggest auto manufacturer (General Motors) and the biggest mortgage underwriters (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).

ON JULY 15th a 75-tonne cap closed off the Macondo well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. The flow of oil ceased, for the first time in the three months since a blowout in the well doomed the rig which had drilled it, Deepwater Horizon. The cap is not necessarily permanent.

Kenner (Louisiana): Government investigators looking into the causes of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion are colliding with a frequent obstacle: witnesses canceling their scheduled testimonies.

Oil spillBP can keep its oil well in the Gulf of Mexico shut for another 24 hours after agreeing to monitor a leak through the seafloor and take other precautions, National Incident Commander Thad Allen said.

Mumbai: A Panamanian cargo ship M V Khalijia 3 carrying a cargo of steel coils was grounded off Mumbai
