Effort Will Help Neighbouring States As Well

Bhopal: Strange as it may sound, Madhya Pradesh has a share in polluting the Ganga.

Order of the Supreme Court of India dated 06/03/2017 in the matter of T. N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others regarding repair work to secure the pipe bridge balancing reservoir and pipeline situated in Chambal river and part of which is going through the National Ghadiyal Sanctuary. Supreme Court directs the Applicant to make sure that no disturbance is caused to the wildlife and no building or construction material is left behind.

JAIPUR: Rajasthan's interstate water dispute redressing cell chairman Rohitashv Sharma on Tuesday said a meeting would soon be organised with Madhya Pradesh's irrigation minister Narottam Mishra to

Rajasthan has sought Central status for the proposed water project on the Chambal river and its subsidiary, Parwan, in view of the pressure irrigation technique adopted in it for increasing the irr

School students here have started a campaign.They collect plastic and polythene from their dustbins at home, bring them to school and then sell the stuff to scrap buyers.

Rajasthan MP from Kota Om Birla has demanded the interlinking of rivers in eastern Rajasthan as one of the measures to deal with the severe water crisis in the desert state.

Turning over a new leaf, former Chambal dacoits have come ahead in full support in the fight against deforestation and contribute in efforts towards saving the environment.

KOTA: Chambal river must be clean of municipal solid waste (MSW) by January 19, ruled the national green tribunal (NGT).

KANPUR: With a recent census finding 32 more Gangetic dolphins (Platanista Gangetica) in Chambal river, the aquatic animal's population is on the rise.
