If you are among those who thought or believed that dengue mosquitoes bit only early in the morning or before dusk, then beware!

HYDERABAD: While several cases of mystery fever have been reported from the city and parts of the state of late, the number of chikungunya cases (with similar symptoms) have seen a tenfold jump in

Tamarind seeds has antiviral properties and can potentially be used to develop antiviral medication for chikungunya, according to a research by Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee.

Researchers from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi have identified the 'dark' regions in the proteins of Chikungunya virus, an advance that could help design improved drugs to treat the di

Eight cases of chikungunya were reported in the past week, taking this year’s total to 97.

Vadodara: While concerns were being raised regarding dengue cases, more chikungunya cases have started surfacing since about a week now in the city.

At least three to five cases of dengue are being reported daily from the city. Five fresh cases of dengue were reported today, taking the season count to 79.

GURUGRAM: This monsoon has seen a huge spike in cases of viral infection.

More than 11,000 people in Sudan's eastern state of Kassala have been infected over the past month by Chikungunya, a debilitating mosquito-borne viral disease, but no deaths have been reported, a S

Dengue cases have spiralled in the city with over 340 people being diagnosed with the vector-borne disease this season, nearly 70 per cent of whom were affected in September alone, a municipal repo
