Private bus owners have a

Doubts over efficiency of CNG buses set at rest

Bhure Lal, chairperson, Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Authority EPCA for the National Capital Region

A public relations agency, Burson-Marsteller Roger Pereira, has come out with a newsletter entitled

A European study determined that exposure to traffic related air pollution, in particular diesel exhaust particles, may lead to reduced lung function in children living near major motorways.

The CSE thesis of devil engines is simply deceptive. It is, to say

They operate across international borders. There is no way transnational carmakers do not know that tiny particles from diesel emissions kill

Apart from evading the fact that fine particles in diesel emissions kill,

The questionnaire sent by CSE's Right To Clean

On May 18, 1999, the United Nations Environment Programme announced that it had elected Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan to the prestigious ranks of its Global 500 Roll of Honour for the company's
