Ways to impart greater impetus to various rural development schemes will be considered at a conference of the Project Directors of district rural development agencies and the Chief Executive Officers

Complexities of the season

Keeping both the environment and economy afloat

USA: Domestic and international travellers made nearly 287 million visits to the 378 parks under the US National Park Service in 1998 compared to the 275 million visits in 1997. This travel generated

Ecotourism is the new buzzword in the Indian government

The business of ecotourism is set to boom worldwide. Who will gain and who will lose?

If tourism revenues are generated by the quality of natural

Delhiites, it seems, will continue to be the best kept people in the country. Residents of the Capital will have Rs 13,550 per capita Plan resources available to them during the Tenth Plan 70 per

Although developing countries are deeply affected by the decision of institutions such as International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organisation, they have little say in their

The World Bank (WB) has observed that Maharashtra's budget management, which has come under increasing stress in the past few years, has resulted in unrealistic budget estimates, poor fiscal
