The findings of a study team, comprising zoologists led by Takeo Kawamachi of Osaka City University and commissioned by Japan's Mammalogical Society, say that half of Japan's mammals face the threat
November marks the beginning of the breeding season of the endangered Olive Ridley turtle on the Gahirmatha coast in the eastern state of Orissa. The first school of the protected turtles is expected
Is it not ironical that the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), where two rival armies from North and South Korea snarl at each other, endangered migratory birds stop in for a peaceful rest? The 242 km long
GAHIRAMATHA beach in Orissa which is the biggest nesting ground for Olive Ridley sea turtles in the world will be declared as a marine sanctuary. Last year, thousands of Olive Ridleys died while
the harvest mouse, one of the world's smallest mammals, is on the verge of extinction. It is disappearing from large parts of the uk as farmers and developers clear rough ground and drain