If you are in Bhutan and get caught carrying a pheasant feather, you can be fined Nu 500 by the nature conservation section (ncs) of the country's forestry service division. Fines for killing

for a section of the endangered

international experts recently sounded an alarm bell over conservationists' fervour for saving the Indian tiger. They say for want of attention, several rare species in the country stand the

Conservationists draw up strategies to arrest the rapid decimation of the great Siberian tiger

Tissue culture helps scientists protect endangered flora

An experiment ultimately aimed at protecting the threatened whooping crane by teaching it to migrate to relatively safer winter locations is underway in the US

ONE of the rarest of the species, the golden langur is facing extinction. Increasing encroachment on their habitat and smuggling have led to a sharp decline in the number of these dazzling

The number of Pacific salmons that return to their birth place to spawn is decreasing at a dramatic rate. Despite efforts by the Canadian government, the salmon population faces a bleak future

According to the latest red list of endangered species brought out by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), mammals top the list of animals facing extinction. This runs contrary to the generally held
