Sweden may be trying hard to control the phenomenon of acid rain, but the end result is another crisis at hand a dwindling Population of the moose

Threatened with a crushing blow to its us $2 billion shrimp industry, Thailand is making belated efforts to save sea turtles which are fast disappearing from its waters. The Phuket Marine

Continued trade in the Spur-thighed tortoise Testudo graeca has sharply reduced the number of these creatures (by 86 per cent) in the country. Morocco has been the major supplier of

INDIAN ornithologists are a worried lot these days. The departure of four Siberian cranes - before satellite transmitters could be fixed on them to monitor their return journey - is only one of

Given the pace of development and the concurrent c1cstructionofforests in Vietnam, the Indochina tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) could well be on the path of extinction. The dwindling numbers

A team of British specialists in population ecology have made a breakthrough in the collection of rare data on some endangered animals by developing the technique of DNA fingerprinting

A female Sao La belonging to a rare bovid species has been captured for scientific study in Laos's Annamite mountain range. Her discovery has given scientists a fantastic opportunity to delve into some of the animal world's well kept secrets

Poaching of endangered animals has a lot in common with drug trafficking. It has added fillip to the international medicine trade based on animal parts -an organised crime stretching from North

After having forced into extinction many different species of animals, human beings have most recently focused their greed on fishes in the deep seas. Being sweet, tender and easy to cook, the deep sea fishes have attracted the attention of many a chef

The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) population is declining fast. one of the most endangered large carnivores in the world, the wild dogs face constant threats in the form of loss of habitat,
